Friday, August 05, 2005

Free the Curriculum

Jimbo Wales, writing as a guest blogger in lessig blog, is in the process of revealing his list of 10 things that will be free. Being the "Wikipedia guy", his first prediction is free Encyclopia, as in wikipedia.

His second prediction is free the curriculum:
a complete curriculum (in all languages) from Kindergarten through the University level.

I will be very concerned, as shared by a comment made by Bill Korner, that if this "complete curriculum" is ONE unified curriculum and "in all languages" means that ONE curriculum being translated into different languages.

James Schmeling commented that such an effort must include licensure and certification. I don't think so. Learning is a personal experience. Curriculum resource is only part of the material to create the experience. Learning can exist without external motivation such as certification AND some will require certification too. I don't see any of the two named by James as essential to the Free the Curriculum effort.

There are many people pointing out existing efforts to provide free textbook and curriculum. I have a quick visit to some of the suggested sites. Some look promising, but mostly very small scale project at this time.


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